6 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Filing a Truck Accident Claim

truck accidents

Going through the aftermath of a truck accident & filing a claim can be emotionally & mentally exhausting. The actions you take can significantly influence your ability to secure fair compensation. Your mistakes can delay your settlement & potentially have a negative impact on your compensation. However, with the right knowledge & guidance, you can avoid common errors & improve your chances of getting the right amount. Therefore, consult a reliable truck accident attorney in Atlanta before filing your accident claim. These experts can guide you and help you secure the compensation you deserve.

truck accident attorney Atlanta

Here are 6 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Filing Accident Claim

1. Admitting Shared Liability: One common mistake truck accident victims make is admitting they might be partly at fault for the accident or their injuries.

After the accident, you might accidentally say something to police, witnesses, passengers, or others that could impact your claim. To protect yourself and your future settlement, it’s important not to say anything that indicates you are guilty or to take any blame for the accident.

2. Modified Comparative Negligence: Depending on where you live, your settlement might depend on your share of the blame. In Georgia, for example, there’s a modified comparative negligence system with a 50% threshold. If you’re found to be 50% or less at fault, you can still get compensation for your damages.

However, sharing some of the blame means your settlement will be reduced by your percentage of fault. E.g., if the judge finds you 30% responsible for the accident, your settlement will be reduced by 30%. Therefore, it’s important to have an experienced truck accident attorney to ensure your liability is assessed correctly.

3. Not Getting Medical Help Immediately: If you don’t get medical help immediately after your accident, it could harm you both financially and physically. Getting medical help timely minimizes the risk of lasting effects of injuries.

Moreover, it helps to make your case stronger by showing the insurance companies how serious it is.

4. Posting on Social Media: Avoid posting about your accident on social media even if your account is private. You don’t know who is observing. Restrict from posting details of your injuries, how the accident affected your life, or anything related to a truck accident in Atlanta. Your post can be used out of context against you.

5. Failing to File a Police Report: It’s common for those at fault in truck accidents to try to settle things without involving the police. They might offer to pay you, give you cash for your damages, or compensate you without filing an insurance claim or going to court.

However, if there are serious property damages or injuries, the law might require you to notify the police. The police will document the accident scene and collect important evidence that can help prove the other party’s negligence & allow you to get the compensation you deserve.

6. Talking to Insurance Companies Without Legal Help: Dealing with insurance companies can be complex. Their trained adjusters can reduce the amount of your compensation. Anything you say can deny your compensation. Therefore, before talking with insurance companies, hire a reputable truck accident attorney. They can handle the conversation on your behalf and guide you on how to respond. Ultimately, it helps you to ensure you don’t say anything that hurts you.

Final Words

You can enhance your chances of getting the compensation you deserve by taking the right steps and avoiding common mistakes. Also, it is essential to get legal help from an experienced truck accident attorney in Atlanta from the start, so mistakes can be prevented timely.


If you have been injured in a truck accident in Atlanta, it’s essential to understand your legal rights and options. The experienced accident attorneys at Karma Injury Law are here to help. We understand your challenges and are ready to guide you through the legal process. Contact us now to discuss your unique case.

Serious Injury? We are Here to Help

Act NOw

You must file your claim within two years from the accident date.
Failure to meet this deadline may result in losing your right to recover damages.
